I am really happy at the way my installation piece has come together, I think that it is a acceptable response to the brief that was given as it connects the environment with the area that we had our exhibition in. I used a box to show my work as I found this went very well by putting the outside inside, and as the weather is such a wild and important area in sailing, by looking at the weather in a different perspective it makes the weather look calm and collective.
To improve my work, if I was able to continue on with this project, would definitely to have a bigger box to place my photographs in as I was limited on how many photographs I could have. I would also shoot more photographs from the different time scales from morning to night , so that I could give myself more of a varied choice. I do think that installing a photographic feel to the project did the work justice as I wanted to combine art and a important matter to the yacht club members together. During the exhibition , I did realise that the table that I had placed my work on was a bit to low, and many people had to crouch to look through the peep hole, so maybe I would make sure that the box was at a level where everybody could see the work.
Including a description and quotation ' Mackerel scales and mare’s tails, make lofty ships carry low sails' I found was a interesting way of inviting the public to look at my work. I saw that many people were reading the description and also I had a comment on how the signs on top of the box looked like boat sails and that it really went well with the whole yacht theme. Even though there were some faults throughout the exhibition I really liked my piece as I put in so much effort and time, I calculated my time management correctly which gave me enough time to work on my project and get it to the best of my creative ability. When viewers were looking at my work , they seemed very intrigued and I had a few positive comments.
'Defeat is not the worst of failures. Not to have tried is the true failure'
- George Edward Woodbury
A very inspirational quote that I will always look to when ever I am stressful or worried about a project, I will never be defeated as I always try my best in everything that I do. So on that note, this is my last blog entry, I hope you have enjoyed reading and also enjoyed viewing mine and the groups work.
Thankyou :)