Monday, 19 November 2012

Research #4

Ralph Padilla

A photograph that really captured my eye was Ralph Padilla. I have never really heard of this photographer so I started to have a look at all the work that he has created.  When looking at his galleries I came across a folder full of photographs of clouds and their formations.

Ralph Padilla's use of black and white photography really allows the main focus, the clouds to stand out. The fact that he has taken the lighting into effect really compliments his photographs.  I really like how he has experiemented with distance and angle to get the best for his photographs and also his photograph editing is not over contrasted.

He has managed to capture the different types of clouds , which I have also researched as I did not know there were that many different formations of clouds. Documenting the cloud formation is a really interesting way of showing what the weather will be like the next day.
Low Clouds are called Stratus, they normally look quite grey in colour and cover the majority of the sky, resembles fog.
Middle Clouds are called Altocumulus clouds  they also appear grey in colour but are in puffy masses and sometimes in parallel waves.
High Clouds are called Cirrus clouds they are thin whispy clouds blown by the high winds and normally move across the sky from the west to the east.
The main reason I have chosen Ralph Padilla is because his photographs really show how uncontrollable the weather could be. His use of dramatic effect and contrast really highlight the main aspects of weather change.  Even though I will not be working in black and white, I may take photographs in the future of the weather after looking at Ralphs work as they are so dramatic and eye catching.
'Red sky at night, sailor’s delight. Red sky in morning, sailor’s warning'

Photographs used from :

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